I'm obsessed with Rodeo. It's an app to share and collect digital art. It's built by the folks at Foundation. I've never been a fan of digital art as I'd rather have art hanging on my walls. However, I think they've cracked the code to get more mainstream adaption... it's fun.
The basics -
- A creator posts a piece of art. There's multiple categories, it's not all Midjourney prompts, which is why I was initially avoiding trying it out
- Posts are open for 24 hours and users can collect it for a small fee
- The creator earns ETH, but you also earn ETH if someone else collects it after seeing you did
Collectors -
It's genuinely fun to build your collection on Rodeo. It works because a). there's seriously talented artists on the platform. & b). it's cheap -- it's ~$0.30 USD to add something to your collection. It's not an investment and you're not debating the merits of digital art vs. physical art. It encourages volume, activity, and thus large collections.
Rodeo has created unique gamification within the platform as well. There's the ability to be marked as an artist's top collector, you can make offers on posts that have closed, and there's a collector streak tied to your profile.
Artists -
Obviously artists aren't making a living on Rodeo, but it's a stepping stone into it. It's an opportunity to build an audience that goes beyond a "like" on Instagram. Ideally, a more mainstream audience gets onto Rodeo, falls in love with an artist, and ultimately buys their 1 of 1s that carry higher price points.
It's also a quick way to get feedback as an artists can post a concept, see if it gets traction, and decide to double down on it. Artists only have to post a subset of their art or develop a Rodeo specific strategy.
Rodeo's a win-win for collectors and artists and I'm excited to see what they roll out next.